Silent Facade

Friday, February 20, 2009

Who's There

When I come home, I usually hide in the little refuge of my room with the heater on and rarely come out of it except for food or toilet. The rest of my apartment is always dark (electricity is pre-paid, so I’m stingying on it).

Last night, as I came out of the toilet, I heard the doorbell rang. ‘Hmm’…I thought, ‘who could be looking for me and at such late timing?’ I went to the peephole and looked out.

There was nobody. I squinted. Still nobody. A prank perhaps?

I turned and started to walk back to my room (in the dark). The doorbell rang again. I quickly turned and looked through the peephole. Nobody! And I didn’t hear any footsteps running away! Crap, I started to wish I was religious.

Then it came to me. It was my handphone message tone.


I should stop myself from such bowel inducing thoughts. Come to think of it, I have never tried my doorbell before I didn’t even know how it sounds like. Maybe I should try it someday. When I have that extra ounce of energy to lift my finger to press it.
posted by Cylee at 9:22 pm I