Silent Facade

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beijing Wave

Question: Which part of the Olympic delegates' and volunteers' body will ache most tomorrow?

Answer: Their arms. Because their were practically waving non-stop throughout the closing ceremony.

Alright, enough crap. On a serious note, I've finally started my alternative blog. My Backyard Tourist link can be found in the sidebar on the right as well.
posted by Cylee at 9:47 pm I 0 comments

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Crap. Just as I'm about to head overseas for work, they had to show The Eye 2 on TV. The special 'wake up' call she gets in the hotel just send shivers down my spine. How the heck am I going to sleep well now in any hotel room?

Honestly speaking, having gone into so many hotel rooms, though not necessarily staying in them (don't let your imagination lead your thoughts astray!), they do give a sense of loneliness.

Perhaps it's the unfamiliar environment. Perhaps it's the lack of belonging to that space, especially when you know countless strangers had occupied it as well. Part of it I guess it the use of warm lightings which isn't really conducive for reading or working. It also makes the room dull and lack of life. I personally prefer white light. At least I don't have that strong an impression of any ghost movies with the good brothers (or sisters) appearing in bright environment.

Well, better pack my luggage with amulets, crosses, glutinous rice and garlics.
posted by Cylee at 11:21 pm I 0 comments

Sunday, August 17, 2008


In January, just right before my bond with my company ended, I was contemplating moving on to another job because of the crap pay. I procrastinated.

By February, a colleague left and I'm still around. I couldn't find a job I like and bonus time is near, so I stayed on.

Come early April, bonus is already in the bank and I've got a nominal bump up in my salary. I still yet to see a job I fancy. Looking ahead, another colleague's planning his exit comes the end of his bond in May. If both of us leave, the team will struggle with two new trainees yet to be trained.

So I stayed on yet again, training the new trainees while still window shopping around (wonder what the heck was I thinking? Too rooted in my safety zone?). Just as I was about to finish first half of their training and starting to step up my job search more aggressively, my boss gave me an opportunity to caretake a small department for 2 months. Can't possibly say no to that right? By then, my colleague already took the leap out even though he yet to secure a job.

Come August, the new manager's in and I'm slowly transiting the operations to him. I turned more aggressive and finally found jobs I'm interested in. Sadly, only got one reply and it's a rejection.

It's still early and there's still chances the others will reply, the only dilemma now is I'm stuck in a 9-5 shift, six days a week (Sunday off) and my planned weekly leaves have been striked off. IF I get an interview, how the heck am I going to make it?

Of course, I've been working hard to maneuvere my way out of this situation and things are looking positive. Until yesterday.

Yesterday, they told me I may be send to Beijing to train and assist with the opening of a new sister property in October. Crap. Life just likes to throw monkey wrenches into my work. Just as I am standing firm in getting out, they gave me an opportunity I simply can't resist.

Some friends will probably tell me, who cares what they're giving you. If you want to get out, get out. Then again, close friends will know that I'm a person who thinks to much before I move. Way too much.

Perhaps I'm fated to get my 13th month bonus before I leave. Ha. What a way to look on the bright side ... and procrastinate (as some will say) at the same time.
posted by Cylee at 10:25 am I 1 comments

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Couple of days ago, I woke up from my dreams of the usual nonsensical mish-mash of scenes with a word still clearly etched in my mind. The word is 'epiphany'.

Well, my English is not all fantastic, so I've no idea what that word means. What I do know is I recognise the word and must have came across it somewhere. How else I'll have it in my dreams?

So I googled for the meaning of the word and out came three meanings:

1. a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day.

2. an appearance or manifestation, esp. of a deity

3. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

Now, that's interesting. I have absolutely no knowledge of the Christian festival, not being a christian myself (the only ones I know of is Easter and Christmas because those are holidays!). So it that leaves me with no. 2 and 3.

Honestly, I have not much recollection of my dreams that night except that there were some cameos by some of my colleagues. If there were any manisfestation of a deity, it's definitely not one of them else I would have asked them for 4D numbers that day.

A sudden perception or insight? The most recent insight I've got is that the durian season is burning a big hole in my wallet and leaving me with excesses around my waist. I don't think that will qualify as an epiphany.

So what's the meaning of the appearance of that word, so strongly imprinted in my mind that I still remembered it when I woke up? Till now, I've no idea. Maybe it's just part of the nonsensical portion of my dreams.
posted by Cylee at 9:55 pm I 0 comments